Don’t drink and commit

I haven’t really done any drunk coding since university (which btw happened waay before git or Arduino saw the light of day ), but gitdown seems just too fun not to try out!

Gitdown uses a BreathShield for Arduino and a Ruby script git hook for checking your BAC before it allows you to commit (or not). In normal mode you won’t be allowed to commit if your BAC is above 0.05% but where it gets interesting is when you set gitdown to either krunk mode or Ball(m)er mode. In krunk mode you’ll need a BAC level above 0.05% and in Ball(m)er mode you’ll need to land a BAC between 0.13% and 0.15%.

Ballmer peak strip from

In the Ball(m)er and krunk modes gitdown also will mess with your commit message as well as post your achievement to the gitdown blog on tumblr.

gitdown tumblr blog post

Arduino and Nokia 5110 Display

It’s been way too long since I posted something here. Mostly due to a hefty workload and whatever spare time I’ve had has effectively been eaten by other projects. Today finally I got to sit down playing with the Arduino and a Nokia 5110 display I picked up from eBay.


The libraries needed as well as a tutorial for interacting with the display can be found over at Adafruit. Note that if you don’t use Adafruits version of the display the pin-out might differ.

This is the code for the example above:

[sourcecode language=”C”]

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_PCD8544.h>

Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(7, 6, 5, 4, 3);

#define _W 30
#define _SIZE 4
#define _BASEX 85
#define _BASEY 5
#define _NUMOFCHARS 14
#define _SPEED 2

void setup(){

void loop(){

for (int i = _BASEX; i > -width(_SIZE) * _NUMOFCHARS – width(_SIZE); i = i – _SPEED){

void writeChar(int ch, int sz, int x, int y){
display.drawChar(x, y, ch, 1, 0, sz);

int width(int sz){
return sz * 6;

void writeAt(int pos){
int sz = _SIZE;
int y = _BASEY;

writeChar(‘A’, sz, 0 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘R’, sz, 1 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘K’, sz, 2 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘A’, sz, 3 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘D’, sz, 4 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘T’, sz, 5 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘O’, sz, 6 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘R’, sz, 7 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘G’, sz, 8 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘E’, sz, 9 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘T’, sz, 10 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘.’, sz, 11 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘S’, sz, 12 * width(sz) + pos, y);
writeChar(‘E’, sz, 13 * width(sz) + pos, y);


The important thing is not to forget calling display.display() for sending the commands to the display.

Have fun!